Commercial Law

Depression: misconduct and ill-health

The Labour Appeal Court in the matter of Legal Aid South Africa vs Ockert Jansen (2018) 39 ILJ 2024 (LC) considered the impact of depression on an employee who was disciplined for acts of misconduct. The facts of the matter are essentially the following: Mr Jansen was employed as a paralegal in the George Justice [...]

Depression: misconduct and ill-health2020-10-05T19:38:51+02:00


The Department of Employment and Labour published the Employment Equity Amendment Bill, 2020 on 20 July 2020. The Bill has 4 main aims: Empowering the Minister of Labour to set numerical targets for representation of black people, women and disabled employees within the different levels of employment in the workplace. Improvement of administration. Enabling testing [...]

EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT AMENDMENT BILL 20202020-07-21T14:04:47+02:00
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